Valve market environment analysis


The environmental analysis of the valve market and the different characteristics of valve consumption have led to a large difference in the development speed of the valve industry in developed and developing countries. According to the analysis of the valve industry, the global valve market revenue growth rate was 27.16% between 2011 and 2017, compared with 37.84% in Asia and 16.89% and 20.65% in Europe and the Americas respectively. The following picture shows the world's major valve market in 2011-2017. Comparison of income growth rates:

Our state-owned enterprises must focus on perfecting the system and mechanism, perfecting the modern enterprise system, and promoting the healthy development of enterprises; private enterprises have made great progress after more than 30 years of hard work, but it is not easy to take another step; in the current overcapacity environment, it is necessary Industry companies develop smart manufacturing based on sales volume, focusing on developing core technologies and increasing product added value. Now from the three major market strategies to understand the valve market environment analysis.

      First, we must have a sense of innovation. With a sense of innovation, it will motivate companies to work hard and seize opportunities. Many enterprises in the valve industry in Wenzhou and other regions also adopt the family workshop mode, and it is urgent to establish modern management concepts, including market awareness, service awareness, competition awareness, and crisis awareness. Valve market environment analysis, in the development of the market, including the establishment of the promotion platform, the promotion of media selection and delivery, customer search, the establishment of new customer relationships, business communication and exchange, the generation of new orders, etc., have long-term planning And response measures. The valve industry also attaches great importance to technology development and innovation, and strives to form a development mechanism for technology development and innovation.

      Second, efforts to open up the domestic and international valve market: the development of domestic and foreign markets is a process of continuous self-improvement and development, and in fact the process of enterprise development and growth. Valve market environment analysis, at this stage, relevant enterprises should adopt a two-legged strategy based on actual conditions and attach importance to the development of international and domestic markets. Adopting this market development strategy can reduce business risks to a certain extent, enable enterprises to steadily and steadily, and gradually expand the scope of the target market, which is of great benefit to enterprises to lay a solid foundation.

      Third, strengthen cost control and resolve competitive pressures. The process of cost control is the process of calculating, regulating and supervising the various expenses incurred by the valve enterprise in the production and operation process by using the principle of system engineering. It is also a weak link to discover, tap the internal potential, and find all possible ways to reduce costs. process. Valve market environment analysis, for domestic manufacturers, it is necessary to scientifically organize the implementation of cost control, promote enterprises to improve business management, change the operating mechanism, comprehensively improve the quality of enterprises, so that enterprises continue to develop and grow in the fierce market competition environment. Adjust the production capacity structure, connotation expansion and development.

      Valve market environment analysis, in the new round of scientific and technological industrial revolution and industrial transformation, the valve industry deeply integrates the important entry point of intelligent manufacturing. Today, all countries are actively occupying the commanding heights of a new round of development. The integration of the Internet and traditional industries is We must seize the opportunity and commanding heights, valve enterprises must seize this historical opportunity to realize the transformation of China's valve manufacturing industry from a large manufacturing country to a strong production country.

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